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How to control anger


How to control anger

All of us at some point have experienced a little anger or rage in our life, and most of us are able to control it, but when a person is unable to control his feelings, his anger and becomes violent, then he is said to have anger issues.

How to know if you have anger issues

Some anger is a crucial part of our existence but, if you are easily irritated or frustrated by small things, you are likely to have an anger management issue. You may experience issues to arrive at mutual agreements without conflict, or you may get violent or angry over little issues and this may be related to the consumption of alcohol or substance abuse. You may experience a problem in communicating with people, at times you will ignore them and you may behave inappropriately when surrounded with people, like being too loud or completely ignoring them.

Consequences of anger

These episodes can be troublesome in maintaining healthy relationships, people often feel stressed because of all these situations, and their social life is compromised. Anger issues can cause a person to suffer at a mental, physical, social, economic, and personal level because a person with these issues is not able to adjust anywhere easily

How to manage anger?

Before you start looking for your answer, you need to ask yourself some questions!

Have you accepted that you have anger issues?

A problem can only be solved when a person acknowledges the existence of the problem, you need to tell your inner self that you have a problem in controlling your anger, and then only you will be able to overcome it.

Do you know the reason behind your anger?

Is it related to your past? Or is it the financial problem that you are going through? Or maybe there is something you need professional help with!

Are you ready to control your anger?

Give the following points a try, because we know you can do it.

1.       Try to take slow and deep breaths and exhale it out of your mouth. When you are angry, you will see that you breathe faster and it gets shallow as well, when you try to control your breathing, you are diverting your focus from the thing or situation you are feeling angry about.

2.       Try to process your words thoroughly before speaking, when we are angry we tend to say things we usually end up regretting later. So it is highly recommended to think twice or thrice before you speak, it will help you at a personal and professional level as well

3.       Try to get away from the people/ place you are not comfortable with. You can always go to your room, or visit a beach or park wherever you feel relaxed; you can consider it as a timeout for yourself!

4.       Start reverse counting! We know, people have been telling this to you since eternity, and you probably feel that this is not going to help you but, before you jump to a conclusion, give it a try because it actually works like wonder.

5.       Do things and be with the people you feel happy with. This is the easiest and the best way to control your anger, if you will stay happy, there will be no space for your anger!

6.       A pet is always a good companion! You can think about keeping a pet, it can be a dog or a cat or maybe some other animal. When you adopt a pet, you feel happy about yourself, because you are engaged in a good deed, but make sure that you can take care of the pet in all manners.

7.       Take some exercise! It is not necessary to have physical exercise; you can always train your brain! Write journals, poetry, stories, or anything you like.

8.       Last but not the least, if you are not able to control your anger on your own, try taking professional advice; a little professionalism never harm!



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